Let's talk about how to deal with homesickness when we move. This is one of the most common themes among expatriates, especially those who have not lived the experience of living far from their family before, and also people who move to another city (and not a country) without their family, to take advantage of a professional opportunity, to study, because they married someone who lives far away or for any other reason.
In my more than twenty years of experience moving from city to city a few times, a few choices have helped me a lot to not suffer from this problem. Here I share some. Before, I explain to those who are new here that the first time I moved to another city was in 1998 to study advertising in Uberlândia and I only went to my hometown on long holidays and college vacations. I've already told other details of this experience in another text on the website that you can read later. And I've also mentioned the other cities in previous texts.
- Discover the new city, get to know the neighbourhood, learn the language if you are in another country, take courses, understand the local culture, discover local artists, make friends, etc. In Porto Alegre I spent 8 months going out alone because I didn't know anyone but my MBA colleagues who had a different lifestyle than mine. Or maybe I didn't give them much openness to ask me out for pizza, wine, and small talk. Who knows? But I survived and had a lot of fun, even alone. Here on the site there are several texts to inspire you to go out alone too.
- To fulfill the previous point, the first time I moved I chose to speak as little as possible with the family over the phone (usually once a week to deal only with what was necessary). At that time I didn't use the internet and my family didn't either, so the phone was the main form of communication. You can do the same with email, Whatsapp, social media and whatever else you want. Any friend or family member who respects you will understand that you are more absent because you need time to live this new life. It is worth mentioning that when I returned to my hometown I acted normally, aware that it was no longer my place.
- I talk a lot about dogs and cats here on the site. Dogs are great partners in meeting people! Even in Curitiba, which has a reputation for being a city of cold people, walking with Hercules I met a lot of people from the neighbourhood. Because, with the exception of those tutors who don't even expect the dog to pee on the post I mentioned in the text about observing your dog's limits, everyone else ends up interacting with other dog tutors while walking their four-legged companions. Before Hercules I didn't have this opening.
- Be authentic. If you are not authentic away from the family, where will you be? Yes, the ideal is to be authentic in front of the family too. When we try to be authentic, we attract people who like us for who we are. I already said that I went out alone for 8 months in Porto Alegre, right? Maybe this is common where you live. It may be impossible for a woman to do this where you live. In Brazil it is allowed, but many women are uncomfortable with it. I learned little by little, still in Uberlândia, to get used to the idea, and in Porto Alegre I was very comfortable with that. And other women can also allow themselves this experience and many others that frighten them for being different from what they are used to. The same goes for men.
- To improve on the previous point, see a psychologist and also practice meditation to practice self-knowledge, observe your thoughts, overcome your fears and limiting beliefs. I read a lot about psychology, studied a little bit about it in college, I love philosophy and mythology, and putting it all together with meditation and psychologists at times when I had clear in my mind what was bothering me worked well for me. In moments that lacked this clarity on my part, psychologists did not help me.
Hope you enjoyed the tips. If you have plans to move to another city or country and want more personalised tips, get to know and contract the “The Nomad Advisor” service here on the website.
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Have a great weekend! Take the opportunity to read the previous texts.
Nycka, the Nomad
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