🇬🇧 My first experiences on cultural trips

First time I spent (or invested) my money to travel it was to know the Carnival in Janauba, a small brazilian city, a few hours by car from Montes Claros, where I was born. I was 21 then, and my dear friend and colleague Danilo was from that city. Brazilian actor Jackson Antunes, who was called "the brazilian Charles Bronson" when he gained space on national TV, was also born in Janauba.
I remember my grandmother was terrified because my brother, 5 years younger, would travel with me and share the same room. If I had the mind of today, I would go alone just to terrify her more.
The party was good. Very different from many famous carnivals as Rio, Salvador or Venice, but it was nice.
My second experience was to follow brazilian band Shaman, when Andre Mattos left Angra to sing with this band, during the first shows of the Ritual tour. I saw the show in Uberlandia, where I lived, at a pub. The show was my suggestion to David, the owner, one day I met him in front of the pub while I was reading about a workshop with Kiko Loureiro the pub was organising. David mentioned the show Angra did there some months before "without the singer" (as the band was with a new singer: Edu Falaschi). I noticed David appreciated the voice of Andre Mattos as well as I did and I told him to invite Shaman to play there.
After Uberlandia I went to Sao Jose do Rio Preto and to Belo Horizonte to see the band again and again.
Then I moved to Porto Alegre, living a few meters distant from Bar Opiniao, a place where many international metal bands used to play, as well as local artists. I enjoyed the foreigners but I must admit my time in Porto Alegre could be spent to enjoy more the local culture, which is very rich. I'll be back there, sooner or later, to do this and share with you.
Follow the blog and my social media profiles to read more on cultural opportunities to travel and self development.

Nycka, the nomad
