🇬🇧 A liberating choice

I was born in a country town and grew up having to have company for everything. Even to go to the bathroom in bars or restaurants, the girls had to have company. So, I moved to Uberlândia and on the first day of school I had to have lunch alone in a restaurant because we hadn't gone to the supermarket and my roommates studied all day. My mother used to say that anyone who has lunch alone is a whore. I took a book with me, but during lunch I realized that there were many people having lunch alone, including women. And none of them looked as whores. They were more likely students like me and professionals who worked in the neighborhood. I lived in downtown, very close to the central bus terminal. Weeks later, at a party, I kissed a boy who I later learned that a friend of my flatmates had wanted to kiss him for some time. I know that if you think the same way my mom do you’re thinking badly of me now. Worse for you. After that they started to invent all kinds of excuses for not going out with me. And then I started going to the cinema alone, got other companies for parties and went on with my life. Still in Uberlândia, I traveled to see Shaman in 2 shows, on the tour of the album Ritual, one in Belo Horizonte and another in São José do Rio Preto. Alone! In BH I stayed at an aunt's house and in São José I stayed at a hotel. In both destinations I met people from the band's fan club before the show. When I went to Porto Alegre, then I started doing everything myself. It was almost a year without company for nothing, except for one or two MBA class parties. And I keep having fun, going out, going to parties, shows, cinema, restaurant, etc. with or without company. But if it is to have company I prefer good company. Life is too short for bad coffee. I am less and less tolerant of mediocrity.

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Nycka, the Nomad
