Are you that kind of person who likes everyone? Is it the one who hates anyone who is different from you or has different values? Or some type that is neither of those extremes? This is a text about 5 characteristics that I consider positive and 5 negative characteristics of people.
I'm Nycka, I work as a stylist, visual artist and fine art photographer. As a stylist, I consider personal image as a non-verbal communication tool, and developing a strong personal style is part of a process of self-knowledge and exposure to new possibilities. I am an artist even when working as a stylist, as non-verbal communication is also part of visual arts and fine art photography. As a stylist, I see each client as a work of art, where the communication intentions are not mine, but theirs, as well as in my works of art and photographs made to order.
I believe that we can only know ourselves by living different experiences, meeting different people and discovering what we like and what we don't.
What behavioural characteristics do I see as negative in people?
- People who use religion to judge others. Religion is a personal development tool. You choose your religion and live by what it teaches. From the moment you want everyone to live according to your religion (which is really just your INTERPRETATION of religion), you demonstrate that you are an ignorant fanatic and disrespect the individuality of others. This also applies to countries that use religion to treat citizens disrespectfully, such as those that criminalise abortion; those who only accept monogamous marriages (disrespecting the individual choices of those who consciously chose polyamory or follow religions that allow multiple relationships); Islamic regimes that curtail women's rights; between others. Each person follows the religion that best suits their personal values and forcing an entire country to live according to the values of a single religion, or the interpretation of that religion by some is disrespectful.
- People who never left the city where they were born to live outside and criticise immigrants. And sometimes they even criticise native people who don't like the city or criticise some characteristics of the place (or the people of the place).
- People who think that there are “masculine” and “feminine” behaviours (or jobs, and so many other things), and do not understand the stereotypes, treating human beings like products on the supermarket shelf, where a carton of milk will always have milk in its inside. Not even the products are that homogeneous! Even milk, a commodity, has several different types in the supermarket, which require reading the label to know the qualities of each one.
- Racist people, including those who think that because they are a certain race or skin colour everyone hates them (so they hate everyone whose skin colour they deem to be the oppressive skin colour, as if such a thing exists). I try to treat people with respect regardless of their skin colour, but if the person generalises and thinks everyone is racist, I lose respect. I understand the impact of bullying, prejudice, but I don't like racism or the victim side of racism.
- Incompetent professionals. Especially those who do not understand a subject or do not have important skills for their profession and neither assume ignorance nor seek to learn or develop their skills. Along with those who use religion as a crutch, they are among the most intolerable.
In short, I don't like people who don't respect individuality and those who don't take their profession seriously.
Let's go to the positive features:
- People who seek personal development and emotional maturity.
- People who seek new experiences and self-knowledge.
- People who love their work and seek to be above average.
- People capable of dialoguing with those who think differently without trying to change the other's opinion. Dialogue with people like this is to get to know and understand different points of view and realities. It's not about who is right or wrong.
- People who respect and treat dogs and cats well. Other animals too, but mostly dogs and cats.
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