Does wearing black make you look thinner?
I'm Nycka, an expert in colours, shapes and textures as non verbal communication tools, I work as a stylist, photographer and visual artist and in this text I'm going to talk about this popular belief about the colour black.
If you wear black from head to toe, you won't look any thinner for it. Maybe so, in some environments, compared to wearing head-to-toe white, but there are smarter choices. In an environment surrounded by light colours, wearing black from head to toe will only make you look fatter. Since you have little or no control over the colours in your environment and you have complete control over the colours you wear, it's smarter to choose colours, shapes, and textures that flatter you in any environment. How? Hiring my stylist service.
There are ways to include black in the look that cause the illusion that you are thinner, and other colours can usually be used when black does not flatter the person.
Another important point is that black used from head to toe by people who are overweight or want to hide localised fat is that this choice screams insecurity, low self-esteem and lack of qualified guidance.
When it comes to personal style, following what most people do is a bad choice. Mainly because following the herd means not having style. But also because these common beliefs, such as that black looks good on everyone or that wearing black from head to toe will look thinner are false. Journalists, bloggers and influencers don't have the repertoire of a professional like me and spread a lot of nonsense due to lack of knowledge. And that's exactly why you need to hire my stylist service to have expert guidance on the style rules that apply to your profile. Follow the instructions on the “Services available” page.
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