🌍 Personal style is a language (and I can help you to be fluent)

I always try to make it clear that personal style has no name. Personal style is a language and to master it you have to study the way you study foreign languages. In this text I will break one of the most common stereotypes and help you understand the personal image as a language and a powerful non verbal communication tool. Many people, men and women, have tons of clothes in neutral colours and simple tailored cuts and call it the classic style. Style professionals who do not understand personal image as a non-verbal communication tool also tend to reinforce this belief. And it's a myth. Stereotyping is useful for journalists, but not for experienced style professionals.

Classic tailoring designs with lots of straight lines reflect a conservative behaviour, which is enhanced by neutral colours. As the image is a non-verbal communication tool, I ask: are you an extremely conservative person? Do you believe in things like marrying a virgin and don't use innovative products (including cell phones), for example? The vast majority of people are not extremely conservative. Those that are, are due to ignorance, low level of education or religious fanaticism (not knowing other religions than the one their family follows). I have never met a person of high purchasing power and a high level of education who was extremely conservative. The world is big and maybe they exist, but I haven't met them yet. I know how to dress them, but they’re not the kind of people I want to hang out with beyond a purely professional relationship.

It's important to note that maybe you have some conservative opinions and others not so much. And the ways of dressing in these cases that have something conservative, but not everything, are different from how someone extremely conservative should dress.

If you're not extremely conservative, why do you dress like one? And there is only one possible answer: you don't know how to show the best of your personality through your appearance. Maybe it's insecurity, shyness, maybe you just imitate the way your peers dress, but all of these are characteristics of someone who doesn't know how to use their own image as a non-verbal communication tool.

There are ways for, for example, a shy person to demonstrate their qualities without having a super conservative image. For not knowing them, the shy person opts for pieces that make him go unnoticed, but do not reveal his qualities. It's a form of self sabotage. He wants to be valued, but he doesn't take the first step, which is to show who he is. The most comfortable step for a shy person is through non-verbal communication. Maybe because they don't know my work they don’t use this powerful tool as they could. So, share this text with all the people you know and also on your social networks, as it will help more people to realise that appearance is also a language and through my work they can become fluent in that language, regardless of how it is personality of each.

My job is to guide you to consciously and strategically use your appearance to bring out the best in you, make a great first impression, and reinforce your positioning.

To hire my stylist service and become fluent in this language, follow the instructions on the “Services available” page. I’m the first person worldwide to dive that deep in this theme to help my customers to be fluent in communicating whatever they want through their personal style.

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