Today we go to the penultimate part of our Asia food tour, talking about Southeast Asia. Penultimate because we have left 4 countries in the region out, so this text is not too long. We have already talked about typical dishes from the Americas, Africa and other Asian regions. We will soon continue with the rest of the world. Today we will talk about typical dishes from Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia and Myanmar. Some dishes common to more than one country have been omitted.
- Brunei: Ambuyat. Kelupis.
- Cambodia: Amok trey. Lok lak. Babor. Num banh chok. Fried Spider. Yaohon. Samlar kari. Bok l'hong. Samlar machu. Mee ketang. Chien chuon. Khar. Sankhya lapov. Chha kh’nhei. Pleah sach ko. Samlor korko. Ansom chek. Nom lote. Ngam nguv. Nataing. Chruok svay.
- East Timor: Ikan pepes. Batar da’an.
- Indonesia: Satay. Rendang. Ketupat. Soto. Acar. Tempeh. Nasi goreng. Bakso. Ayam goreng. Gado-gado. Gulai. Siomay. Pecel. Betutu. Pempek. Nasi uduk. Bebek goreng. Perkedel. Gudeg. Rawon. Nasi kuning. Bubur ayam. Mie aceh. Tumpeng. Ayam penyet. Ikan bakar. Soto Betawi. Sayur asem. Serabi. Soto ayam. Bakso goreng. Nasi liwet. Sate Padang. Nasi pecel. Gorengan. Botok. Nasi padang. Cireng. Bakwan. Cap cai. Gulai ayam. Tengkleng. Soto Lamongan. Karedok. Batagor. Babi guling. Rujak. Sayur lodeh. Sate lilit. Es teler. Getuk. Tongseng. Opor ayam. Pisang goreng. Lemang. Kue putu. Tempeh mendoan. Babi panggang. Paniki. Pecel lele. Konro. Tekwan. Coto Makassar. Nasi campur. Lawar. Lemper. Rujak cingur. Bakso solo. Nasi jagung. Klepon. Dadar gulung. Tempe goreng. Nasi kucing. Tempe orek. Rendang ayam. Mie kocok. Arsik. Oncom. Kolak. Semur. Wingko. Ayam bakar. Nasi tim ayam. Bakso bakar. Nasi timbel. Kripik. Sate kambing. Cilok. Tahu campur. Soto Medan. Tinutuan. Nagasari. Tumis kangkung. Bakso ayam. Semur daging. Empal gentong. Kerak telor. Semur ayam. Gulai kambing. Ayam pop. Bakwan malang. Saksang. Panada. Sop buntut. Ketoprak. Urap sayur. Tempe bacem. Papeda. Kue ape. Acar kuning. Singkong goreng. Nasi gandul. Plecing kangkung. Sate kelinci. Kepiting saus Padang. Buntil. Sate kerang. Sate babi. Bubur kacang hijau. Kupat tahu.
- Laos: Mok pa. Or lam. Nam khao. Mok kai. Sai oua. Lard na. Koi. Feu. Khao piak khao. Yum sen lon. Yum Salad. Ping pa. Khao jao. Sai kok. Khao poon. Kaipen. Khao piak sen. Tam maak hoong. Som moo. Jaew bong. Seen hang.
- Malaysia: Nasi lemak. Roti canai. Assam laksa. Apam balik. Nasi kandar. Nasi dagang. Hokkien mee Malaysia. Pan mee. Ayam masak merah. Nasi kerabu. Laksam. Ayam percik. Kolo mee. Asam pedas. Sarawak laksa. Masak lemak. Penang laksa. Karipap. Kuih serimuka. Nasi ulam. Keropok lekor. Lor mee. Roti jala. Bahulu. Rotiboy. Mee bandung. Mee goreng mamak. Mee Siam. Roti pisang. Penang Hokkien Mee. Bubur lambuk. Papparoti. Ulam. Kari ikan. Satay celup. Cincin. Kuih kaswi. Pie tee. Mee sup. Sago gula melaka. Bubur cha cha. Roti tisu. Nasi tumpang. Budu. Kuih keria. Kuih cara berlauk. Cincalok. Lam mee. Curry debal. Roti sardin. Kuih cara manis. Nasi kombos. Roti durian. Roti bawang. Malai Broccoli.
- Myanmar: Khow suey. Mohinga. Kyay oh. See-pyan. Dan bauk. Meeshay. Htamanè. Ohn no khao swè. Be kin. Si htamin. Bazun hin. Samusa. Shwe yin aye. Mont lone yay paw. Kyauk kyaw. Sanwin makin. Htoe mont. San byoke. Nan bya. Ngapi jet.
Have you ever visited Southeast Asia or have you lived in the region? Which of these dishes have you already tasted in their home countries? And in restaurants in other parts of the world? How was your experience with these dishes?
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Nycka, the Nomad
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