🇬🇧 Tips for those who want to live in Sweden

Are you moving to Sweden or are you thinking of living in the country? This post has some useful tips.

How to find a job in Sweden? Surely LinkedIn can be very helpful. If you work on your personal brand, going straight to the websites of companies that have your profile is also an option.

How to find out if there is a field in Sweden for your business idea? It will depend on what your area of expertise is, but the internet has a multitude of resources that can be very useful in this research.

Where to search for rental properties? I suggest thelocal.se, with English search.

And properties to buy, where to search?  I suggest the Hemnet app. It's in Swedish, but nothing a translator won't help.

To study Swedish in Stockholm, visit https://www.folkuniversitetet.se/in-english/swedish-courses/swedish-in-stockholm/ for more information. The website https://studyinsweden.se/moving-to-sweden/learn-swedish also has information about online Swedish courses and face-to-face courses in different cities.

To get an idea of the cost of living, numbeo.com is a good reference, but I also recommend monitoring the prices for renting or buying property on the websites mentioned above, to get an idea of housing costs within the standards you expect.

This blog encourages people to migrate to different countries or cities for cultural enrichment, and encourages this change to be made legally and in order to contribute to the economic growth of their destination, in addition to improving their own quality of life.  Knowing the culture of your destination and respecting it is an important step in the adaptation process.

For tips on where to buy everything you need for your new life in Sweden and information on how to get a residence permit follow the blog and join my Telegram channel to be notified of new posts. I anticipate that there is something very interesting about residence permits.

Go to https://t.me/nyckathenomad to receive notifications of upcoming posts and additional tips.

Nycka, the Nomad
