🇬🇧 Self-development and perfectionism

Cultural nomadism has to do with self-knowledge, personal development, with breaking one's own limits, for a positive perfectionism.

Positive perfectionism? Yes. The quest for perfection motivated by the belief that we are capable of doing better, of learning from mistakes, of getting closer to perfection by accepting our mistakes and learning from them.

For this, knowing how to give and receive feedback is important. It is necessary to differentiate a criticism coming from an incompetent and envious person from a person committed to excellence, with this positive perfectionism. The second is capable of teaching, the first is an expert in criticising. He doesn't know how to do anything, but criticises as if he were the wisest person in the world.

In a world where communication through social networks is common, and interactions with people we don't know personally happen routinely, it is even more important to know how to differentiate. The attitude of just waiting for praise is contrary to the attitude of the cultural nomad or anyone seeking personal development, as is the attitude of calling any criticism “hate”.

Technology has shaken the way we interact, it has opened borders, it helps us to have contact with a new world.  Everyone can choose to be afraid of this “new” world (and in this case I recommend not using social networks) or use these “new” features to improve the precious jewel that is your life.

A cultural nomad knows his value and seeks to increase it through continuous development, a mindset of innovation and improving his own talents, building a differentiated personal brand.

Hire the services available for customised advice.

Nycka, the Nomad
