🇬🇧 Music and other preferences

In Brazil, although we have some great classical and opera composers such as Chiquinha Gonzaga, Carlos Gomes and Heitor Villa Lobos, there is no tradition linked to classical music or at least I was not part of it. I studied ballet, piano and flute in childhood, as I see it is normal for children from developed countries to study, but I was never encouraged to do so. At the time I lived in front of the music conservatory in Montes Claros and it is possible that children's curiosity led me to insist to be part of that universe, but the piano, which I really liked and like, I never had one at home to rehearse and  so I ended up giving up on the course. The others were due to lack of interest. I also studied acoustic guitar in my teens and I have already told in another text why I stopped.

For a long time, my musical references were the popular rhythms. Until I got to know metal and get closer to classical music. And when I went to live in capitals, opportunities arose to have contact with the opera and a whole universe that I had known little before.

Musically I listen to a lot more metal than any other type of music, but in a show it is very easy to identify myself. I remember that at the first Nightwish show I went to, a young man from Santa Catarina traveled to Porto Alegre and found me in line. We knew each other through Orkut. In the middle of the sea of people in black, I was wearing a cropped blue shirt cut diagonally. 😊 And it is rare that I adopt a look that comes out of black from head to toe. I like color, especially in Curitiba where the weather is almost always gray.

As I have worked with fashion all my life, my quality references for clothing also don't match the classic profile of metal fans. I have already walked through some stores that sell to this audience and I was horrified by the low quality. I often say that I am a “pink metalhead” because of how picky I am with clothes. So, I don't fit into labels, but until today I have lived well, making friends with people of very different profiles, with different affinities.

Nowadays I hear a lot of classical music, jazz, and almost nothing about pop. When selecting films I also try to analyze the script more, looking for films that add value to my life. Biography films appeal to me as much as books on this subject. I like individual physical exercises, gym, dog walking, cycling. And video games, because I can spend hours playing games and at the same time being close to my pets and enjoying the company of loved ones. Dancing also pleases me a lot.

Even if you don't share all my preferences, if you are looking for continuous improvement, like me, you will find something on this blog that has value, because my experiences are related to this tireless search for inner growth. But if you are content with little, you will be angry.

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Nycka, the Nomad
