🇬🇧 Love, respect and choices

Many people feel as if fashion is a cage. I grew up with low self esteem and fashion helped me to defeat this problem. Fashion can set us free if we want to be free. Currently I’m able to see my beauty and I see the beauty in other people in a way any person I see I imagine how he or she would look better according to ones personality and, if I know, social status and other details. Obviously I don’t share these thoughts. This is my job.

There was a time I was very sad for the people who refused the opportunity to discover this best self. Currently I’m aware each person has a time to discover he or she can be deserves something better. As I mentioned in the previous text, about the cost-benefits ratio, some people are able to buy things in that base. Many are still buying following other paths. And this is part of the path to self-improvement. Everyone, independent on social, cultural or financial status, lives to practice self-improvement. Some don’t see this and carry their chains all life long.

As my understanding of human beings increased, as my understanding of myself increased, I noticed I’m here to help those who are ready to receive what I offer. I don’t need to feel pity for the others. Maybe they never grow enough to deserve me. And it’s OK. It was my own choice to put my attention on the top and the top is not for everyone. I’m not perfect. Nobody is. But regarding my professional activities I know my abilities and what kind of people they can satisfy. It was a long path to arrive at this point, to be comfortable with who I am, to accept my choices and the limits of others. But I’m happy as the one who walk the path is able to teach others how to find their paths.

Nycka, the nomad
