🇬🇧 How to know which suit to buy?

How to know which suit to buy?

I'm Nycka, a stylist with four decades of experience in the fashion industry and a long experience in personal style consulting and in this text I will talk about what is important to observe when choosing which suit to buy.

Although some people who don't work in fashion believe that the price can tell if a suit is good or not and others believe that all suits are the same, both beliefs are wrong.

It will certainly be difficult to find a really good suit that is cheap, but not every expensive suit is good.

What needs to be evaluated?

    • The colours. As I have mentioned in other texts, wearing a navy blue or black suit does not guarantee that you are well dressed. If you read the previous text about the differences between a vulgar personal style and an elegant and intelligent one, you know that wearing what the majority wears is synonymous with vulgarity. Although wearing something different does not guarantee elegance. That's why guidance from an experienced stylist is important.
    • The fit. It is necessary to observe many details related to the trim of the pieces. The right size, the fabrics used for the suit and lining (and also those for the shirts, ties and even the type of shoes that will be used, if we are going to think about your style as a whole), the cut, the lengths, and other small details that everyone sees the mistake, but people without knowledge in modelling often buy the wrong one, because they see many other people making the same mistake. Yet another sign of vulgarity and lack of intelligence when taking care of one's own image.
    • The physical type of the person who will wear the suit. I assume it is whoever is reading this text, but in some cases it may not be. It may be that the reader is a bride thinking about the groom's attire for their wedding, for example. It is not enough to observe the shape of the body. It is necessary to pay attention to other details such as length and width of the neck, facial features, measurements of arms and thighs, etc. Nowadays it is common to see celebrities of questionable taste wearing suits that are too tight on their arms, when they are men with strong arms, for example. Being common doesn't mean it's right.
    • The finishing. One more point that the experience of a professional is necessary to guide you at the time of purchase. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to explain to a layman in a blog post what 40 years of experience in the industry have taught me about finishing. So, to have access to such information and not make a mistake, hire my stylist service on the “Services available” page.

If you are a public person, a businessman or occupy a high leadership position, the impact of your image is amplified and, therefore, it is even more important to have adequate professional guidance from a stylist with experience in the fashion industry and specialised in image as a non-verbal communication tool. Otherwise, what will be amplified will be a vulgar and weakened personal image. To be praised by fools is no one's advantage.

