The social networks and the superficiality of the interpersonal relationships created by them often make us believe that the life of the other, especially of the successful people, is easy and we are suffering, victims of a system or a group that wants to massacre us. Yes, there are certainly people who hate us. Nobody pleases everyone. None of the great religious icons pleased everyone. The biggest celebrities of today or of all history certainly did not please everyone. But while comparing ourselves to those who are being massacred by pressure and identifying with such people, we are hardly going to identify where they are going wrong. And where are we going wrong.
I was always talking to people around me. I have phases of listening a lot. But every now and then I need to speak too. So this superficiality is a little strange to me.
Sometimes we are surrounded by people who are uninspiring to get where we want to be. We see and hear so much of their difficulties that we normalise it. We have heard so much criticism and if we let ourselves be carried away by them and we believe that they define us, we will never get anywhere. We started calling luck the cause of the success of those who stand out. After all, in any statistic, winners are a minority.
Since childhood I have been passionate about reading biographies. And in any biography, even those that are adapted for the cinema and may have a little romanticised content, we see the struggle behind people's success. We see that it was never luck. I see it and it always gives me the strength to face my challenges. I tend to think that if they succeeded I can also achieve my goals, as absurd as they may seem to many people. The difference between the majority and the successful is very clear in any biography.
The conflicts and pains of the majority can be great for creating good popular music, but to be a successful musician you have to have a fight different from the majority, face things from angles that others do not see. See life through the eyes of the winners. Because those who are part of the majority in any statistic only help us to win if we look at such people with a critical eye, seeking to learn both from their mistakes and from ours.
I have already accomplished things that until then were impossible many times. And although some fights take time to be won and some goals are very big, these victories, even if I won the lottery to have a financial boost to reach some goals, were not, are not and will not be mere luck or the result of chance. They are victories built brick by brick.
If you identify with that, with the victories built brick by brick, and you work with art, you can be part of my team. And that doesn't mean being strong all the time, but knowing how to identify and manage your weakness. Even though I have achieved a lot, there are days when I feel like crying or need a friendly shoulder to help put my mind in order. Sometimes the only friendly shoulders available are mine. And if there are only them, the way is to be my best friend and welcome my pain in the same way that I try to be friends with my friends. Was it easy to cultivate that attitude? No. Society presses for perfection (and the pressure itself is not negative or positive). The family presses us to be what they want us to be, many times (and this is negative because it usually distances us from who we really are). There is pressure from everywhere, no matter if we are men, women, white, black, cis or trans, gay or heterosexual, nor does it matter our nationality, religion, if we were born in a golden cradle or if we didn't even have a cradle, if we are famous or anonymous. And? A diamond is a coal that did well under pressure. Are you coal or diamond? Each has its value, certainly. You can't light a barbecue or a fireplace with diamonds. But here, I want to work with diamonds and whoever is willing to polish themselves to become one.
Nycka, the Nomad
Very well written, and I agree with every word. Well done! Chances are... We are our very own heroes.
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