These days I watched “Mary Shelley”. I strongly recommend it. I never read some biography about her. I never read Frankenstein. But the movie is captivating. The colours used in clothes and decoration help to create an atmosphere. After to watch it I am more interested about the writer and her ideas.
Douglas Booth as the poet Shelley help us to feel like Mary, enchanted by his beauty (Booth is maybe the more handsome young man in cinema) and his intellect. Dakota Fanning looks charming and innocent. In a moment we discover she is or want to be different, when she shows she accepts open relationships as normal. Later we see she suffers with this choice that was her mother’s voice guiding her life, not her own voice.
For me, her father telling her to go to Scotland and find her own voice is the central point of this story. The cause of everything.
Movies like this are great to feel grateful for living in another scenario, where women have voice. We’re so accustomed to a life not very different from men in various points of view that we forget how much women struggled in the past. One century ago most women couldn’t vote in large part of the world.
I don’t tag myself as feminist. But I appreciate respect, as anyone else.
Based on the movie I questioned myself about relationships and how to manage them. I think to dialogue is the best thing. To keep updating the information. Because one day we can feel perfectly comfortable with a choice and then something happens that change our mind about that. Relationships are dynamic as ourselves. What do you think?
Nycka, the nomad
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