🇬🇧 How old are you?

There is a long time age is not a limitation for me. But it was already. I never liked older men to date. Along time, I developed friendships with people of all ages and currently I have friends and acquaintances since those in their 20’s to the ones who are retired. I disliked children for a long while. Lately I am able to dialogue with them happily.
Although I feel very comfortable among younger people, there was a time I felt insecure about it. I was dating a young man and at the same time was part of a group of girls in the buddhist organisation I’m a member. All girls were younger than me, including the leaders. In the end of the meetings with this group sometimes we took pictures of the group and all girls were hugging and making hearts with their hands, and I felt completely out of my habitat. Today I know this was unreasonable insecurity. And fortunately I won. The relationship ended and I was able to feel comfortable among the girls too.
I learned that chronological age is not a limit. I saw examples of very old people who are really alive, making their dreams come true, making the difference wherever they go. I’m lucky to have a neighbour like these examples, always smiling a natural smile which make us feel happy. Once I was very sad, in a mall, and coming back home I met this neighbour trying to cross the street. He came to the corner, where I was waiting the traffic lights to be green for me. We went talking up to the place he was going, then I continued my route alone. It was very good to talk to him. It changed my mood.
Age can be a limit to conquer rights as to vote, the driver’s license, etc but when we already have this age, we have no reasons to worry about age.

Nycka, the nomad
