🇬🇧 About choices

I see often people asking opinions about products, services and places without telling their parameters. And answering without to observe the standards of others. This week I read a post of a woman asking if a certain hotel was good. Many people told her it was expensive. This was not the question. The hotel is among the best in the destination she had chosen. Someone who want the best is not worried with price. Some people have limited budget, but, desiring the best, think about cost x benefit, or choose the best option their budgets can buy or wait a bit more to buy what they want.
This is my mindset. I analyse the benefits first. Then, the price, if needed. Doing this I have clothing I wear since I was an adolescent, and wear them today with different choices of the other clothing to wear together. This is good as I have a strong and bold style and I’m not a fashion victim.
Not all cheap things must be avoided, nor all expensive ones must be treasured. Not all fashionable destinations must be treasured nor all unknown ones must be despised.

Nycka, the nomad
