🇬🇧 The self-confident short haired woman

Female haircut is somewhat related to the culture where the person grew up. Anyway, as adult women we're free to change. The point is: if the culture around you says women must have long hair, will you feel comfortable having yours short?

For travellers, the short hair, in special the very short, like pixies, are very practical! In a few seconds it's dry and we don't need to worry about to style it, if we have no time. A good short haircut is perfect anyway, styled or not. I like to sleep with my hair slightly wet sometimes, so I'll wake up with a new hairstyle without effort.

Short hair is perfect to wear dresses with open backs, big earrings, scarves around the neck and much more. It's perfect during the winter and keep us fresh and clean during the summer.

The long hair communicates a submissive personality. Are you submissive? If you're not, don't let the false idea of "femininity" seduce you to keep the long hair. You're feminine because you're a woman, not because the length of your hair!

The false ideas are spread by the media easily to keep the status quo. Authentic people never follow the status quo. And to do this you must be self-confident. Are you?

Nycka, the Nomad.
