How to protect dogs and cats from the cold?
I'm Nycka Nunes, digital and cultural nomad, and I work as a visual artist, fine art photographer and stylist. I believe that personal style is intertwined with lifestyle and personal development, so in this blog I share personal reflections and a little about my lifestyle.
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My cat Thor has three tips to share on how to keep cats warm in the winter. His tips are:
- Sleep with your pet human. That way you always stay warm.
- If you're cold, pester your human until he gets the message. Think of something he would be able to understand, because most humans are not fluent in Meownese. I'm one lucky cat and my human picked up the basics of our language pretty quickly.
- If you have siblings (other cats or dogs), curl up with them when the humans aren't home or if your human won't allow you to sleep with him. My human always recommends having two or more cats because she knows that sleeping together is every cat's #1 preference.
Other options (my suggestions, not Thor’s) are:
- Find out at pet stores in your area about options available to protect cats. Enclosed beds such as tents, heated mats, blankets appropriate for the size of cats, etc. Pet stores with an online store that ship to where you live are also a good option. If any brand of this type of product or pet shop wants to sponsor posts for Thor to test the products, contact me.
- Use a heater or fireplace in the room, taking care not to burn animals or children. I made it, and it makes humans and four-legged puppies happy and warm. Of course, this couldn't be a tip from Thor because a cat wouldn't know how to explain to a human that he has to provide these resources. This suggestion makes more sense where there is no heating in every house, as in Brazil.
For dogs, the tips are basically the same, but pay attention to the breed profile, if your dogs are purebred, because some like the cold and feel comfortable in low temperatures. For these, it is important to protect them from the heat. For them, tolerable heat may be a lower temperature than for other dogs with no affinity for cold.
Nycka, with assistance from Thor
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