🇬🇧 Communication isn’t an exact science

Communication is not an exact science. It is important to know this if you want to live in another city or country because those who have spent their entire lives living in the same city, with more or less the same circle of relationships, may not realise it, especially if they are resistant to inner change, to personal development. People like that hardly adapt to other places because they don't understand or respect different people and cultures.

This goes for communication with your dog or cat and also for communication with other people.

I started writing this text when I was asked what a cat means when it stares at you. The answer is: it depends on the situation. To understand what a cat, a dog or a person means, it is necessary to create a connection with that person or that animal, to understand who they are. Without this, the risk of communication failure is high.

Communication depends on context. The same gesture in different contexts can have very different meanings.

There are people who are straightforward, say things exactly as they are, what they say is exactly what they mean. They can be harsh or kind, but they are always straightforward. Others avoid saying things directly, they don't have the courage to take a stand, they want to please everyone. Without communicating properly, without developing the ability to take a stand and understand the positioning of others, relationships are superficial. Emotional maturation does not happen. And without emotional maturity people are very boring.

I always recommend to young people who ask me for my opinion on where to study or where to live after graduating that they seek to live away from their family, as this can be useful in building a more independent and emotionally mature personality, as well as allowing them to live with people very different from those they are used to. Monitoring from a good psychologist can be important for maturing after moving too.

The internet is full of examples of signs or expressions that in one country have a meaning and in another country the meaning of the same gesture or expression is completely different. But the differences go further. An example is the way women are treated in different countries and also within the same country by different social groups. In my experience, it's rare for a cultured man to be sexist. And when I say cultured, it's not about being a walking encyclopaedia, but about appreciating art and seeking self-knowledge. And it is also rare for a cultured woman to perpetuate sexist beliefs. Sexism is usually a choice of the uneducated, the insecure, those who have not developed a critical sense, who do not question what the family and society around them say is "right". People who think life is a multiple choice test where only one option is right and all the others are wrong.

Of course, complete idiots, proud of their ignorance, can change cities or countries. Many do. But idiots don't seek out the kind of information I share on this website and have a hard time adapting to where they choose to live because they're driven solely by money or the illusion of opportunity. If you are different from them, get to know my available services. At least one of them is certainly very useful for you.

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Nycka, the Nomad
