🇬🇧 5 signs of insecurity in men's wardrobe

Today I will list 5 signs of insecurity in men's wardrobe. There are many others, but this is just a small taste of how your appearance is a communication tool.

  1. Only have navy blue, black or grey suits, or no suit at all.
  2. Only wear neutral coloured shoes (sneakers and flip-flops are not part of this calculation).
  3. Have a lot of t-shirts.
  4. Have lots of white, black and blue shirts.
  5. Have lots of polo shirts.

Men's fashion is not as varied as women's, but it has numerous options that go beyond neutral colours, t-shirts, polo shirts, khaki twill pants, jeans, and other commonplaces of men's clothing. Every man who opts for the commonplace is showing insecurity in revealing his personality, fear of being judged. Or ignorance. And this is not about fashion, but about style and personality. There are variations depending on the environment in which the person lives. Whenever you want to blend in through your clothing choices you show insecurity about showing who you really are.

To change that, in addition to consulting a good psychologist, my style consulting service is very helpful.

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Nycka, the Nomad
