🇬🇧 Style errors of the musicians

Today we are talking about some style and image management errors of the musicians. Errors that create a weak image.

    • Wear clothes that “everyone” wears or imitate the way of dressing the audience you want to reach.
    • Vulgarity with the intent to show sensuality.
    • Ostentation. Whether using brands with huge and clearly visible logos, or using large gold chains and other forms of ostentation. It is also a form of vulgarity.
    • Wear baggy leather pants. Leather clothing is almost always made with a tight fit. Baggy leather pants were the most obvious mistake I've ever seen as professional musicians on stage.
    • Wear running shoes in public presentations and images, unless the artist is running in the presented context.
    • Don't take care of your hair. Care includes trimming to eliminate split ends and broken ends.
    • Wearing shirts that are too tight. A slim shirt with a good fit and the right size looks very different from a shirt that is too tight.
    • Wear improperly sized suits or vests. Be bigger or smaller.

There are many other mistakes, but here we have some fairly common ones, whether on stages, in social media posts, in videos or in advertising photos. Having an expert stylist to guide musicians to use their image as a communication tool is a smart choice that can strengthen the artist's image and open the door to greater professional recognition. Set your advice on the “Services available” page.

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Nycka, the Nomad
