🇬🇧 Reflections on diversity in fashion

Lately there is so much talk about diversity in fashion as if it didn't exist before. And this is a big lie.

I've been in the fashion industry for 40 years and there have always been brands that make bespoke suits. As a teenager I never found bikinis that fit me in regular stores, because at the time they only sold panties and top together, the same size, and I was wearing medium size panties and a small size top. But I discovered a shop, right there in my hometown, a city that was anything but cosmopolitan, which produced bespoke bikinis. Fortunately, in adult life, this size difference has disappeared and I can easily buy bikinis. But thirty years ago I was able to do it. And it's no different with clothes. I worked in more than one atelier that made bespoke clothes. I myself have worked creating and producing bespoke clothes and accessories with my signature at various points in my career.

There has never been an imposition of thinness by the media. Or any kind of imposition of a "beauty standard". Psychology explains this feeling that some have of imposition. Surely, those who think this are under pressure from other means, such as requests from family members, bullying, etc., and begin to pay attention and see how beautiful and attractive only those who are different from you in the media and outside of it.

Can you list ten celebrities with similar bodies to yours?  How are these celebrities viewed by the general public? It is not to repeat the point of view of those who criticise you! Use the comments to share your answers.

The importance of having the advice of a stylist who knows the fashion market well, the image as a communication tool, doses of psychology, among other important knowledge, is to have access to things that you would never have imagined existed and to use the knowledge of the professional to enhance your unique beauty. It is having a teacher to guide your journey in this universe of style and non-verbal communication. And the masters are important in the improvement process. In the case of public people, this is even more important so that what you say does not contradict your appearance by causing communication noise, among other things which can vary depending on the person's profession. My image work is totally personalised, without saying that your style has this or that name, which is why I rarely publish advice on the subject here, because experience has made me understand that people with less experience than me in the market or those who are not professionally related to the fashion industry misinterpret this type of information. I only share what is applicable to any specific person or group, things that are less likely to be misrepresented by ignorance. And that will only be misrepresented by people who aren't my target audience.

To hire my stylist service, visit the Services Available page on this site and follow the instructions.  The service has variations to suit companies.

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Nycka, the Nomad

Copyright: Nycka, the Nomad
