🇬🇧 32 rare dog breeds. Part 3

Last week (August 26) we had World Dog Day. There are some breeds that are rare. I looked for some and I will talk about the breeds that are in danger according to the UK Kennel Club. Maybe you can decide to have one of these instead of buying a fashionable breed!! I shared some photos on Instagram so you can see how beautiful these dogs are!!

    1. Lancashire heeler: Small, powerful, sturdily built, alert energetic worker. Works cattle but has terrier instincts when rabbiting and ratting. Courageous, happy, affectionate to owner. Ideal height at shoulder: dogs: 30 cm; bitches: 25 cm.
    2. Manchester Terrier: Compact, elegant and sound with substance. Keen, alert, gay and sporting. Discerning and devoted. Ideal height at shoulders: dogs: 41 cm; bitches: 38 cm.
    3. Mastiff: Head, in general outline, giving a square appearance when viewed from any point. Breadth desired and in ratio to length of whole head and face as 2:3. Body broad, deep, long, powerfully built, on legs wide apart and set. Muscles sharply defined. Size is desirable, but only if combined with quality and if absolute soundness is maintained. Height and substance important if both points are proportionately combined. Large, powerful, well-knit frame. A combination of grandeur and courage. Calm, affectionate to owners, but capable of guarding. Usually indifferent with strangers; timidity is unacceptable.
    4. Norwich Terrier: Small, low, keen dog, compact and strong with good substance and bone. Honourable scars from fair wear and tear not to be unduly penalised. One of the smallest of the terriers. Lovable disposition, not quarrelsome, tremendously active with hardy constitution. Gay and fearless. Ideal height at withers 25 cm.
    5. Old English Sheepdog: Strong, square-looking dog with great symmetry and overall soundness. Absolutely free from legginess, profusely coated all over. A thick-set muscular, able-bodied dog with a most intelligent expression. The natural outline should not be artificially changed by scissoring or clipping. Of great stamina, exhibiting a gently rising topline, and a pear-shaped body when viewed from above. The gait has a typical roll when ambling or walking. Bark has a distinctive toned quality. A biddable dog of even disposition. Bold, faithful and trustworthy, with no suggestion of nervousness or unprovoked aggression. Height: dogs: 61 cm and upwards; bitches: 56 cm and upwards. Type and symmetry of greatest importance, and on no account to be sacrificed to size alone.
    6. Otterhound: Large, straight limbed and sound, rough coated with majestic head, strong body and loose, long striding action. Rough double coat and large feet essential. Free moving. Big, strong hound primarily built for long day’s work in water but able to gallop on land. Amiable and even tempered. Signs of aggression or nervousness should be heavily penalised. Approximate height at shoulder: dogs: 69 cm; bitches: 61 cm.
    7. Retriever (curly coated): Strong, upstanding dog with a degree of elegance. Distinctive coat. Intelligent, steady, reliable. Bold, friendly, self confident and independent. May seem aloof. Ideal height at withers: dogs: 69 cm; bitches: 64 cm.
    8. Sealyham terrier: Free moving, active, balanced and of great substance in small compass. General outline oblong, not square. Sturdy, game and workmanlike. Alert and fearless but of friendly disposition. Height should not exceed 31 cm at shoulder. Ideal weight: dogs approximately 9 kgs; bitches approximately 8 kgs. General conformation, overall balance, type and substance are main criteria.

This is the third part. Follow this blog and my social media profiles to see the last one and to know everything about cultural nomadism and what makes the lives of cultural nomads better, including dogs and cats. If you liked this content, buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi or sign up as a member of our cultural nomads group. Links in the sidebar.

Nycka, the Nomad
