🇬🇧 32 rare dog breeds. Part 2

Last week (August 26) we had World Dog Day. There are some breeds that are rare. I looked for some and I will talk about the breeds that are in danger according to the UK Kennel Club. Maybe you can decide to have one of these instead of buying a fashionable breed!! I'll share some photos on Instagram so you can see how beautiful these dogs are!!

    1. Fox terrier (smooth): Active and lively, bone and strength in a small measure, never clumsy or coarse. Legs neither too long nor too short, looking like a well-built hunter with a short back, covering a lot of ground. Alert, quick movement, keen expression, tiptoeing in anticipation. Friendly, approachable and fearless. Height at withers not more than 39 cm in males, slightly smaller females. Weight: males 7.5-8 kg, bitches 7-7.5 kg.
    2. Glen of Imaal Terrier: Medium size with medium length coat, high strength with maximum substance imprint for dog size. Body longer than tall. Active, agile and silent when working.  Native to the county of Wicklow, its name derives from the valley of Imaal. Resolute and witty with great courage when called, otherwise gentle and docile. 35-36 cm at shoulder height is the maximum height for dogs and bitches.
    3. Gordon Setter: Stylish dog with galloping lines. Consistent with its build, which can be compared to a hunter who carries weight. Symmetrical in conformation throughout. Smart, capable and dignified. Bold, outgoing, with a gentle and uniform disposition. Height: dogs: 66 cm; bitches: 62 cm. Weight: dogs: 29.5 kg;  bitches: 25.5 kg.
    4. Irish Red and White Setter: Strong and powerful; athletic rather than cheeky. Obedient, highly intelligent, good worker. Happy, humorous and affectionate. Males with 62 to 66cm to the withers. Females with 57 to 61cm.
    5. Irish Wolfhound: Large in size, strong, symmetry and dominant in appearance, very muscular but gracefully built. Of great power, activity, speed and courage. Gentle, kind and friendly nature.  Tallest of all breeds. Minimum height for dogs: 79 cm, bitches: 71 cm. Minimum weight: 54.5 kg for dogs, 40.9 kg for female dogs. Large size, including height at withers and proportionate body length should be aimed for, and it is desirable to firmly establish a breed that should average 81-86 cm in males.
    6. King Charles Spaniel: Refined, compact and stocky. Happy, intelligent, toy spaniel, with distinct domed head. Reserved, kind and affectionate. Weight: 3.6-6.3 kg. Do not confuse with the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed. They are different breeds and the Cavalier is not at risk.
    7. Kerry Blue Terrier: Elegant, close-knit and proportioned, well-developed and muscular body. A compact and powerful Terrier, showing gracefulness and an attitude of alert determination, with defined Terrier style and character throughout. Ideal height: dogs: 46-48 cm on the shoulder;  bitches a little smaller. The most desirable weight for a fully developed dog is 15 to 17 kg, and bitches should weigh proportionately less, but 16 kg is the most desirable weight to achieve.
    8. Lakeland terrier: Smart, practical, well balanced and compact.  Cheerful and fearless demeanour, sharp expression, quick movements, tiptoeing in anticipation. Bold, friendly and self-assured. Height not exceeding 37 cm at the shoulder. Average weight: dogs: 8 kg;  bitches: 7 kg.

This is the second part. Follow this blog and my social media profiles to see the next ones. If you liked this content, buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi or sign up as a member of our cultural nomads group. Links in the sidebar.

Nycka, the Nomad
