🇬🇧 Birthday

Yesterday (February 3rd, as I’m in Brazil right now) was my birthday. For me this is a day more important than New Years Eve or Christmas. It’s a day to observe how much I advanced in the previous year and to strengthen my decision on how much I want to advance during this year that starts today.
I often avoid parties. I prefer to receive gifts from people and businesses who cares enough to celebrate with me independent on where they are.
I think February 3th is the most beautiful day of any year. Even if it’s an unusual summer day without sun, with the sky full of grey clouds as it was when I was writing these lines. This year, to celebrate birthday on Monday, with January having outstanding professional results, is meaningful. I love Mondays as I love my job. I love the power of communication.
I sometimes felt so full of doubts about my career, because I have so many talents and the will to use them all professionally is so big... but this year I decided my path is this. I’m doing a great job. Maybe some goals must be redesigned, but it’s not time to think about this. Each step will happen in the right moment.
I hope to correspond the interest of all my readers and followers creating great content day after day. I love to receive your feedback too. 🤗
Ah! What’s the best thing about birthdays? To receive gifts! I love it. Don’t you? As I’m a bit eccentric sometimes people give me money. I like it, as I’m free to buy what I prefer. But I accept gifts everyday. I love this way to show appreciation for who I am and what I do. Follow my social media channels and you’ll see some of the gifts I’m receiving.

Nycka, the nomad
