🇬🇧 Uniqueness

Each child is unique and, in theory, each adult should be unique too. But as many parents try to give limits to their children instead of teaching them how to fly and be authentic, many adults are like shadows, sad, grey, trying to be accepted by others and, for this, hiding qualities that they believe aren’t appropriate.

Caetano Veloso, a brazilian singer, wrote in his song “Gente” (which means people): “people is to shine not to die from hunger”. But the poet is not talking only about the lack of food. Culture nurtures us. To be recognised for being authentic nurtures us. So, spending all life trying to please others instead of discovering the beauty of who we really are is to die from hunger. Are you dying from hunger?

Some years ago I adopted a beautiful cat, like a british long hair, smoke coloured, and she was already 8 years old. Her previous tutor was moving to the apartment of someone from her family who didn’t like cats. I named the cat Iduna, like the goddess who had the apples that guarantee eternal youth to the gods. This cat only ate food with the taste of fish. One day, as the pet shop I went to didn’t have the fish option I bought food with the taste of salmon. Fish food here is usual for cheap food, not for super premium and in this pet shop there was only super premium food. I bought a pack with half salmon taste and half lamb taste. Salmon is a fish. But Iduna didn’t appreciate it. As I already had Thor (yes, I like to name my pets like mythical gods), he ate the salmon food without problems. Seeing Iduna wasn’t liking it, I tried the lamb food for her. And she loved it!

Two weeks ago I went to the pet shop to buy food for Thor. Iduna unfortunately died two years ago after to live with us for some years. I was buying super premium food with chicken taste for him. In that opportunity, as he is loosening a lot of hair, I tried salmon for long haired cats (he is short haired). He didn’t like it. I asked the brand if it was possible to change and they accepted. Then, I changed for the chicken that I knew he likes. Thor isn’t picky. I changed his food a lot of times and usually he eats anything. If he didn’t like that food I prefer to respect and offer one he likes. I already told you how the food in the house of my grandmother was horrible. I don’t try to force anyone, including my cat, to eat something that he doesn’t appreciate. We are unique. His way to ask respect was showing he didn’t like that food and he knows I respect him. Thor shines.

Each one of us is unique. And this uniqueness deserves to be treasured in every possible way. For myself I started treasuring it through clothes. And never abandoned this choice. You can do the same.

Nycka, the nomad
