The theories on the evolution of species show us who wins the challenges in life. The cries of those pitying themselves are only worthy when they’re open to conquer their weaknesses and evolve. Otherwise they’re shameful.
I’m grateful I had known many different realities along life and I choose to create the reality I prefer for myself.
I’m lucky as I meet great people from time to time and I’m not obligated to keep the mediocre ones around.
I’m lucky because I built my luck and currently I can write about anything and my services are available without the need to prove my competences as I already did this.
Mediocrity is ridiculous because it’s too simple to be left behind if the person is willing to do this. It’s a problem for the majority just because they have the false belief outstanding people have an easy life and never faced hardships when the true is most outstanding people faced boldly their inner enemies while mediocre people only try to find someone else to blame on their misery.
Even China is learning the lesson all the world should. This concerns to governments, business administration and personal development. It starts on each individual.
Nycka, the Nomad
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