🇬🇧 Where to stay during our trips

When we travel we have some options to stay. Some of us have extra houses on the beach or any other destination we please. But to have these houses have extra costs not everyone is willing to pay. And even for those who pay, it’s good to try other destinations we’re not acquainted with sometimes.
Sometimes we can stay at the house of our relatives or friends. Another option not that far from the houses of relatives or friends is to use apps like Couchsurfing and others where we can talk to people who lives where we’re going to receive some tips and even to find a host, or to host them. It’s a rich experience for those interested in exchanging experiences with local people, more than to find somewhere to stay.
Currently there are apps where we can rent houses for some days. It’s an experience I only had many years ago, when I was an adolescent, and without the apps. I say it’s nice for a large group, like it was, then. I traveled with my family. My uncle found a house for rent in Ubatuba and we went there a few days. The disadvantage is that all the domestic service must be done by ourselves. I don’t think it’s nice to do this on holidays or vacancies when you do this all year long! Well... I don’t like domestic services. I appreciate to cook as a resource to exercise creativity. More than that, it’s not for me.
Then... we have hotels, hostels, resorts, etc. Hostels are usually the option for those wanting to save money. Once more, it’s not for me. I have horrible experiences in cheap hotels, so, to try something cheaper it’s not my choice. Let my horrible stories for other opportunities. I love comfort and all the services we can have in a good hotel. Once I called the hotel, from a bar where I went to see a friend playing, and they sent me a cab as there was none close to that bar and I was in a city I never went before! What don’t we do for our talented dear friends? Yes, the good stories are in my mind too and I like them.

Nycka, the nomad
