🇬🇧 Identity and worth

It's curious to observe how it's important for places, people and businesses have a strong identity and value what makes them unique. The difference between those who develop this identity and all others is enormous. It's the difference that guides some people to desire to visit certain touristic destinations or to live in given cities instead of other places which do not invest in building this identity. It's the difference which guides people to choose certain brands for their bicycles, cars, pet food, chocolate or make up. The difference between professionals who work with what they love and the ones who accept any job.
Identity have various faces and regarding destinations to live or to spend some days, the cultural identity have an inestimable value.
It's easy a city on the beach to value its natural beauties. As easy as millions of other beautiful seaside cities around the globe to do the same. As easy as to sculpt the body on the gym or through plastic surgeries to fit to some beauty standards. Easy and superficial. Because natural beauties exist everywhere. They are more on the eyes of the observer than in the place. As it happens to the beauty of people: we can always find people who consider beautiful some features outside the beauty standards du jour. Since they notice their own beauty, they'll notice their admirers too. More than that, it's this authentic beauty which have true value, because the original is more valuable than any imitation.
The cultural identity for businesses and brands is the culture of that business, the reasons it was created and its contributions to society.
For individuals, cultural identity is their histories and what they've been learning along the journey, how each one deals with ones goals, frustrations, successes, failures, how one behaves with ones friends and affectionate people, how open is ones mind to question oneself and others. The identity of people is more visible in creative self-confident professionals. A fashion designer with this profile, for example, creates collections that reveal his mind behind that clothing, independently on which brand he's creating to.
The identity evolves with the person. In each environment, social or professional, the person, creative or not, who have a unique cultural identity attracts attention, is interesting, and it causes another kind of beauty. That beauty which captivates and keeps other around because it's more than an eye-catcher. It's mind-catcher, we can say.
For cities, the cultural identity is what makes them really unique. Some of them know to explore this to reveal themselves interesting not depending only on their natural beauties.
Of course beautiful people, beautiful places and beautiful products attract attention. But aesthetic beauty is easy to imitate and is subjected to trends. And, so, beauty alone loses its value.
Brands, cities and people with cultural identity attract other profile. They attract those who value beauty and content in the same measure. They attract to captivate, to keep others around and remain, because their qualities are in themselves, not in the eyes of the observer.
Brands, cities and people who does not care about content nor beauty have no value in this world.

Nycka, the nomad
