🇬🇧 Heroes and humans

In mythology, a hero is usually a child of a god and a human. The hero is more powerful than humans, but it's not immortal.
In cinema and other popular arts, usually heroes also seems to be more powerful than humans. Many (super) heroes have some kind of power humans don't, as the X-Men, the Superman, etc. But there are superheroes who are like wise humans. The Ironman and Batman among them.
I like when I read a book or see a movie and the hero is as human as myself. Lisbeth Salander have no superpowers. Edmond Dantes was not cultivated before prison and have zero superpowers during the journey of The Count of MonteCristo. Harry Potter, despite his magical powers, have abusive relatives.
To read about heroes and to consider their inherent humanity inspires me to think about how strong I am. Do you feel the same?
What are your favourite heroes?

Nycka, the nomad
