🇬🇧 Unlimited culture

Some people see differences between popular culture, erudite culture, subcultures, etc.
For me, culture is knowledge, knowledge is richness and to know how a cachaça is produced or how to harmonise alcoholic beverages in an event are as important as to read the biography of Goethe or to know what inspires a composer like Tuomas Holopainen to create songs for his metal band. To visit Italy to see how a "nonna" (grandma) prepares pasta for her family is as important as to dialogue with a famous chef of contemporary cuisine. To know the history of an old Japanese whose parents came to Brazil after war to try a more prosper life is as rich as to visit the Louvre Museum. And so on.
I am a nomad for whom culture is never too much.
Recently I saw that movie "Visages, Villages" from Agnes Varda and my approach to culture is sometimes like her, talking with people to know their stories.
This blog shares parts of my story. Or my stories if we consider I had many lives in many places.
This blog is also to know other cultural nomads and cultural tourists from the whole world, to exchange experiences and when our routes coincide, to meet each other to have a coffee and to dialogue in person.
Join the tribe. Follow my social media profiles.

Nycka, the nomad.
