🇬🇧 A woman travelling alone

I usually do not think about differences on gender, skin colour, sexual orientation, etc. I don't embrace this kind of tag.
This post is about my experiences travelling alone and also about things I observe other women are often worried about when doing this.
As a nomad, I moved alone from a city to another. My family or friends did not move with me. Sometimes they moved later, when I was a bit comfortable in my new destination.
As a traveller, I like to travel alone. It's comfortable to have a room in a hotel only for me. I love the freedom to plan my trips not depending on someone else's needs. I can eat where I want, visit the places I prefer, change the plans without the risk to have others complaining.
I see many women does not feel comfortable with these ideas that enchant me. Probably because they think men and women are different. I think there's only those obvious physical differences. All the rest depend on how each one was educated, among other points.
I like to meet other people and often in my trips I try to meet my friends, followers and readers, those who talk to me through instant messengers (like Telegram), email or social media. And I feel perfectly comfortable if I know nobody where I am. I can get acquaintanced with local people anyway.
I like to be in control of my trips. Those trips in groups planned by some travel agent are not for me. I like to go beyond the obvious. To visit those places only local people know.
Some women celebrates spaces "for women only". I think they're boring. I like to dialogue with men and I have a lot of male friends.
Many women are afraid to be alone far away from home. I have no problems with this. Fear is not helpful if it paralyses us. Once, when I was an adolescent, I was going out at night and my grandmother told me: "When I was young, 10 p.m was the hour we were coming home. Aren't you afraid of being robbed?". My answer: "If I stay I can be burgled. If I go I can be robbed. I prefer to go and have fun". As anyway there is some risk of experience something bad, but going out the chances to experience good things are bigger, I choose to go. The same for trips.
Share your experiences with me, commenting this post.

Nycka, the nomad
