🇬🇧 What to pack

Vacation! Time to travel! And then the question arises: what to pack? This doubt can also happen when traveling for work or for any other reason.

I usually travel, for work or vacation, up to two weeks with a small suitcase and about 12 kg of luggage, not counting the weight of the equipment. And with this well summarised baggage, I have clothes and accessories for every situation that interests me, without losing style. For many people this may seem absurd. Read this text to the end to see what you need to change to carry the least amount of luggage and look amazing in any place and situation.

The suitcase problem begins long before the holidays, in building your own clothing and accessory buying habits. If you can't tell the difference between quality clothing and disposable waste, it has an impact on your style. If you feel the need to buy cheap disposable junk to be "trendy" it shows that you have no style no matter what your fake friends say. If you have a wardrobe full of neutral coloured garments it reveals your insecurities, just like when you buy clothes and accessories with big logos on display. Every choice you make when shopping for clothes says something about you and most of the time it says something negative that you don't realise. This is because your personal image is a non-verbal communication tool and without you understanding the codes of this communication you transmit negative messages.

Those who have true style are those who know how to make choices thinking about their personal characteristics, which are not limited to the physical type and personal colouring, and what they want to convey through each choice, without imitating anyone. Each imitation shows a lack of style.

When you learn to buy smart, you are closer to being able to organise your suitcase with as few pieces as possible and as many options as possible for different situations.

How to make smart purchases? This is one of the processes of my personal stylist service. If you want a faster solution to pack your bags for your next trip, you can also use the service. The result will not be as good as the one who requests the continuous service to learn, but I do the best I can with the options available.

Visit the “Services available” page to hire the service. In the interview we define what continuity will be like.

This text, like all others on this website, is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved to the author.

Companies interested in promoting their products and services in my communication channels should read the media kit and follow the instructions contained therein. Fashion companies interested in having priority purchases should opt for annual sponsorship.

Nycka, the Nomad
