🇬🇧 How to start meditating

Today is the day to talk about wellness and I will talk about meditation. Meditation, when done to observe thoughts, which is the method I have been following for years, is great for increasing your level of self-knowledge and, with time and practice, gain more control over your emotions and even overcome prejudices, trauma and limiting beliefs (for most people I recommend doing meditation and also having a good psychologist).

To better understand the purpose of meditation by observing your thoughts, read the text on Buddhist enlightenment on this site. Use the search tool in the sidebar for this.

How to start meditating?

I suggest you create a meditation corner in a quiet room in your home. It can be in your bedroom if you don’t share it with others and you have space. In this corner, make a dot on the wall to fix your gaze (images can be distracting), at eye level when you are sitting in a comfortable position and with the spine straight. You can use candles and incense during meditation. I like to use scented candles or incense that have pleasant scents for me.

The usefulness of the mantra is that it is not a familiar word or phrase, which helps not to distract your thoughts from the goal. If your brain is busy thinking of a "mantra" such as "faith, strength and focus," it deviates from the goal of observing your thoughts. I meditate by reciting the mantra “Nam myoho renge kyo” (there are videos on YouTube to let you know the pronunciation).

So, to start, sit down, light the candles and incense if you like, and recite the mantra. Set a minimum time to do this each day, make it a ritual. I use my cell phone's stopwatch to keep time and I don't think about how long I've meditated. You can also do it at different times, but stick to the routine of doing it every day. I started with 20 minutes. I did eight hours in one day, at a time when my life had too many challenges and I didn't know where to start to solve them.

Try it and tell me how you felt after a week.

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Nycka, the Nomad
