🇬🇧 How to choose a travel destination

Those who are not used to traveling or always travel in groups may find it difficult to plan a trip. I have already described the process of writing the script for a trip here on the blog. Today I'm going to give you tips on how to choose your destination, without limiting yourself to trendy destinations, telling a little bit about how I make this choice.

Personal taste greatly influences the choice. What do you expect from a destination? What types of attractions are you interested in? The purpose of the trip is also important.

For me, in all cases, it is important that the place where I am staying accepts animals (including cats), that has the structure to welcome the animal and me, including cat scratching posts or many cardboard boxes that make the  same effect, because it is very uncomfortable to take a scratching post on a trip and without it, the chances of the cat using the rug and furniture to sharpen its nails are 100%. Prohibiting animals from sleeping in bed is not smart. Mine sleep in mine and there's no way to get them used not to do it. Have an efficient cleaning system and specific apartments for those who have animals is a better idea. Nylon webs on the windows (I don’t know the name of this thing in english, but I’m talking about this thing protecting the balcony where my cat is in the picture below) are also essential, as well as a team trained to respect the “do not disturb” sign on the door.


For those looking for peace, one way may be to look for a very well-structured farm hotel, that we can stay there without worrying about anything, that is a comfortable place, with good food, many options for activities to do during the stay (preferably all included in the package), which offers free transportation between the city (airport or bus station) and the location and has good quality internet available to guests, also included in the daily rate. There are those who seek peace by disconnecting, but for me it doesn't work. I have to have the option to connect anywhere on the planet. Another option is to travel to small cities that are not popular tourist destinations or out of season. Spas can also be an interesting option. I rarely travel with this interest in peace and nothing more, to escape humanity and focus on me outside my home, but for many people, and for me when I do it, it is therapeutic, wonderful.

If the interest is beach, I focus on the quality of the hotel, regardless of wanting a busy or quiet beach, and the ease of access to the beach. If you do not find any good hotel it is a sign that the city does not have a good structure to receive tourists.

On business trips I look for good hotels, well located, but with a structure focused on the experience inside the apartment and in the restaurant, like having a good hot tub in the room, instead of a sauna, swimming pool, games room, etc. As time on a work trip tends to be dedicated to work, during free time I prefer to relax alone, or meet friends at the hotel.

If I have friends in the destination city, on business trips the time to meet them is short and I prefer that they go to the hotel. This saves my energy to focus on work. If I am traveling for leisure, going out with friends to interesting places in the city is the most likely to happen. But a well-structured hotel is always essential.

In general, another point that I evaluate in my choices are the artistic, cultural and gastronomic options of the chosen destination. So I usually like to travel to big cities, where these options are many. But I have already made many good trips to small and medium-sized cities. If a place has nothing interesting in these aspects, it will not attract much attention. I am able to travel to a place where I normally would not go if a band I love is going to play there, as long as I am very interested in taking advantage of every opportunity to be close to the artists (and there are few artists who arouse this desire in  me). On the other hand, after planning to spend my birthday in the Maldives a few years ago, when I researched the local culture, including asking the hotel where I would stay and found nothing, I gave up. To see beautiful beaches, I can see many others that culturally have more to offer, like many in Brazil and Greece. For me, cultural activities and getting to know the regional cuisine are very important when traveling. I have never stayed in one of these resorts where there are hundreds of activities to do in there, because my interest in culture and art is greater. Maybe one day I'll go, out of curiosity, if I find one with options that keep me entertained all day, possibly in some destination that doesn't have much to offer outside the resort.

Comment how you choose a travel destination.

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Nycka, the nomad
