🇬🇧 Brazilian things the fashion world should know and use

Brazil is much more than Rio, beaches in the northeast, Amazon forest, carnival and caipirinha. To the fashion industry worldwide and for people interested in being one step ahead in fashion I suggest to pay attention to the following items and, when the brand you manage use them in some collection, include my media channels in your campaigns.

  • Brazilian leather (textures, prints... an enormous universe of possibilities)
  • Brazilian laces
  • Brazilian good music (Chiquinha Gonzaga, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Noel Rosa, Clara Nunes, Elis Regina, Raul Seixas, Renato Russo, Tim Maia, and various contemporary artists, but not all of them. Unfortunately there’s a lot of garbage in brazilian music too).
  • Brazilian painters
  • Brazilian geography in regions other than the most touristic ones. Brazilian cerrado and brazilian caatinga, for example, can be rich in inspiration for fashion collections. The pantanal is another possibility.

Please, do not repeat or propagate cliches about Brazil. The culture of my country is richer than many around the globe, including some countries considered developed. We have more colours than green and yellow.

Nycka, the nomad
