🇬🇧 Millennium trilogy

Some days ago I finished reading the Millennium trilogy, written by Stieg Larsson. I watched the american movie "The girl with the dragon tattoo", with Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig, about the first book, years ago. Then I watched the swedish movie. I considered the swedish actress playing Lisbeth very feminine. After to read the books, the Lisbeth in my mind is more similar to Rooney Mara's character, although smaller.
The 3 books are incredible! They're the best suspense books I've ever read. I ask you, reader, to tell me other good books of this kind you already read.
The second and the 3rd have a very strong story. Deeper than the first and with more tense moments.
There is some time I believe currently we need less movements to claim for representation, as we're connected to people from all the world through social media and internet in general. I'm not denying the importance of these movements. But I think nowadays the connectivity is more important than people united on the streets to defend some cause.
If we're not happy with something in our lives, for sure there are people in this world who already crossed the line between the point we are and the point we want to be. And we can learn something from them.
Did you read these books? Share your points of view, without spoiler. For comments with spoilers, send me an email instead. So we can dialogue more freely about the book.

Nycka, the nomad.

P.S: After to write this post I discovered the story continues, written by another author. I already included these books in my list to read as soon as possible. There are also movies and a TV series about it I didn't know. They're also included in my list to watch as soon as I can.
